Monday, August 31, 2009

College education in U.S v/s Europe

You will typically find more choice in the U.S. There is a huge variety of educational options here, among several thousand two and four year colleges and universities. There will probably be several institutions that fit almost any student’s needs and interests, and which are available for reasonable admissions.

America primarily hosts liberal arts programs, or a wide ranging, balanced Bachelor of Arts degree. There are many pre-professional programs, to be sure, including business, arts, communications, engineering, nursing, education, and so on. However, most American students start with a broad-based, four- or two-year educational path and then choose their major field(s) over time.

Cost is typically higher in the U.S., as parents and students are expected to fund the largest part of their education. There are many government and private sources of financial assistance available, but the average loan debt of four-year graduates now tops $20,000. The system is a blend of public and private institutions, with the latter charging a lot more in terms of tuition, but also supporting a lot more financial assistance.

Europe is a big collection of dramatically different higher educational systems. In Europe (major generalizations), fewer students go to college. They tend to specialize at an earlier date, and study for fewer years at the college or graduate level. They pay less for primarily government funded institutions, of which there are fewer options. Admissions is more exam based and limited, with fewer entry points and paths of movement.


Back in Business: Mount Rainier Hike

Ok, so I’ve been a little lax on the blog updates lately, but these long, hot August days have really sapped my ambition to write anything new, not to mention bathe at regular intervals. Anyway, I finally got around to doing something that actually merits a post. Yesterday I took my friend Faye, who is Korean and studying in the United States, on a hike in Mt. Rainier National Park. My friend Katherine, a hiking aficionado, joined along. After gathering up our snacks and putting gas in the car, we were ready to go. I took advantage of the 2-hour car ride to teach Faye some new swear words and also deconstruct the differences between the phrases “kicks ass” and “kick your ass” (the meaning is in the details).

After driving through some heavy clouds and a few foreboding rain showers, the three of us made it to our destination: The Naches Peak Trail Loop, a 3.5 mile circuit filled with pristine meadows, shimmering lakes, and spectacular mountain views. We were fortunate that the rainy weather subsided and gave way to sunshine and a light breeze, perfect conditions for a Saturday hike. Take a look:

Dewey Lake

Katherine is an expert berry picker. She filled up an entire Nalgene water bottle with wild blueberries.

Wild blueberries are smaller than the regular variety you find in grocery stores. They also have a pear-like taste to them. If you ever hike this trail, make sure to give these a try. They are amazing!

The Sound of Music?

I really wanted to frolic in this meadow, but unfortunately there were several signs strictly prohibiting such actions.

It was a little cloudy on our visit, but they managed to break just enough to give us a glimpse of the peak.

I don’t go on many hikes (mainly because it requires that I put on pants) but the Naches Peak Trail Loop is definitely a must-do. It’s overwhelming scenic, easy and short enough for all ages to partake, yet very rewarding when you get to see a majestic Mt. Rainier waiting for you at the end of the trail. Plus, there are wild blueberries to eat along the way! Hooray for blueberries!!!

[More info]

Related Listening: “Tiger Mountain Peasant Song” [Fleet Foxes Cover] – First Aid Kit


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Gobierno de Obama estudia alternativas al escudo antimisiles

El gobierno estadounidense de Barack Obama estudia proyectos alternativos al emplazamiento del escudo antimisil en Polonia y República Checa, que prevé instalaciones de radar y misilísticas en Turquía o los Balcanes, escribió hoy el diario The New York Times.

El nuevo plan, según fuentes oficiales citadas por el gobierno, podrá apaciguar el fuerte rechazo ruso, aunque coseche críticas de sus aliados en Europa del este.

El proyecto del escudo antimisil, ideado por el gobierno de George W. Bush, fue concebido contra la amenaza misilística iraní, según Washington. El plan agregó tirantez en las relaciones con Rusia, pero fue cogido con beneplácito por Varsovia y Praga.

Las alternativas en estudio, según las fuentes, tampoco tendrían el objetivo de agradar a Moscú, sino tan sólo “ajustar el tiro” ante la amenaza de nuevos misiles de corto alcance por parte de Teherán.

Entre las opciones que se estudian está la de desarrollar una versión terrestre del sistema misilístico antimisiles nava Aegis Sm-3.

“Los funcionarios del gobierno (de Washington) dicen que quieren completar su revisión del proyectado sistema antimisil, en lo posible hacia el próximo mes, a tiempo para permitir al presidente (Barack) Obama llevar algunas ideas al presidente ruso, Dmitri Medvedev”, escribió el periódico.

Ello, agregó, para que coincida en ocasión de su encuentro en Nueva York para la reunión anual de la Asamblea general de la ONU en el Palacio de Vidrio, el 23 de septiembre próximo.

Dos días atrás, el periódico polaco Gazeta Wyborcza escribió que Washington abandonó el proyecto de construcción en Polonia y en Republica Checa de un escudo antimisil.

Las fuentes del New York Times precisaron que todas las opciones están en discusión, incluida la de tener los sitios en los dos países de Europa del este escogidos inicialmente por el gobierno de Bush.

Esas opciones serán presentadas a Obama por altos funcionarios de la seguridad nacional durante las próximas semanas.

Extraído de ANSALatina.


USA, Georgie, Brunswick, Tuerie, 7 morts

USA, Georgie, Brunswick, Tuerie, 7 morts – Sept morts et deux blessés découverts après une tuerie aux USA – – Sept personnes ont été retrouvées mortes et deux autres grièvement blessées samedi après une tuerie qui s’est produite dans un campement de mobile-homes en Géorgie (sud-est des Etats-Unis), a déclaré une porte-parole de la police. “Il y a sept morts et deux personnes grièvement blessées”, a déclaré à l’AFP la porte-parole de la police du comté de Glynn, Candice Temple. Les blessés ont été conduits vers un hôpital local tandis que le décès des autres victimes a été prononcé à 10H30 (14H30 GMT), a précisé le lieutenant David O’Neal, de la police du comté, qui a ouvert une enquête pour meurtre. La tuerie s’est produite pour une raison indéterminée dans un campement de caravanes de la localité de Brunswick. “La police a reçu un appel d’urgence peu après 8H00 du matin (12H00 GMT) concernant plusieurs personnes décédées trouvées dans un mobile-home dans le camp de caravanes de New Hope”, a déclaré le lieutenant O’Neal, sans vouloir préciser si les victimes avaient ou non été tuées par balles. “Des officiers ont répondu à cet appel et ont trouvé en entrant plusieurs personnes décédées et deux personnes grièvement blessées”, a-t-il dit. Certaines des victimes ont été identifiées, mais la police se refusait à dévoiler les identités tant que les proches n’auront pas été prévenus. La tuerie est la dernière en date à endeuiller les Etats-Unis. Début août, un homme qui se plaignait d’être rejeté par les femmes a ouvert le feu dans un gymnase de Pennsylvanie (est), tuant trois femmes avant de retourner son arme contre lui. En avril, un homme d’origine vietnamienne a ouvert le feu dans un centre d’accueil pour immigrés dans l’Etat de New York, tuant 13 personnes. Lire la suite: USA, Georgia, Brunswick, kill, 7 dead – seven dead and two injured after a slaughter discovered in USA – – Seven people were found dead and two others seriously injured Saturday after a massacre that occurred in an encampment of mobile homes in Georgia (southeastern U.S.), said a spokesman for the police. “There are seven people dead and two seriously injured,” he told AFP spokeswoman Police Glynn County, Candice Temple. The wounded were taken to a local hospital while the other victims of death was pronounced at 10:30 am (1430 GMT), said Lt. David O’Neal, the county police, who opened a murder investigation. The killing occurred for an unknown reason in an encampment of caravans from the town of Brunswick. “Police received an emergency call shortly after 8:00 am (1200 GMT) on several people found dead in a mobile home in the camp of caravans from New Hope,” said Lieutenant O’Neal, not to indicate whether or not the victims had been killed by bullets. “Officers responded to the call and found by entering several dead and two people seriously injured,” he said. Some victims have been identified, but police refused to reveal the identity until relatives have not been warned. The killing is the latest to bring grief to the United States. In early August, a man who complained of being rejected by women opened fire in a gymnasium of Pennsylvania (east), killing three women before turning his weapon against him. In April, a man of Vietnamese origin has opened fire in a reception center for immigrants in upstate New York, killing 13 people. Read more: USA, Georgia, Braunschweig, zu töten, 7 Tote – sieben Tote und zwei nach der Schlachtung in den USA entdeckt – – Sieben Menschen verletzt wurden tot aufgefunden, und zwei andere schwer verletzt Samstag nach einem Massaker, die in einem Lager von aufgetreten mobile Immobilien in Georgien (Südosten der USA), sagte ein Sprecher der Polizei. “Es sind sieben Menschen getötet und zwei schwer verletzt”, sagte er AFP Sprecherin der Polizei Glynn County, Candice Tempel. Die Verwundeten wurden einem örtlichen Krankenhaus, während die anderen Opfer des Todes war um 10.30 Uhr ausgesprochen genommen werde (1430 GMT), sagte Leutnant David O’Neal, der Grafschaft Polizei, die einen Mord Untersuchung eingeleitet. Der Mord kam aus unbekannten Gründen in einem Lager der Wohnwagen von der Stadt Braunschweig. “Die Polizei erhielt einen Notruf kurz nach 8.00 Uhr (1200 GMT) auf mehrere Personen tot in einem Mobilheim in das Lager der Karawanen aus New Hope”, sagte der Leutnant O’Neal, nicht, um anzugeben, ob das Opfer hatte durch Schüsse getötet worden. “Offiziere waren der Einladung gefolgt und fanden, indem es mehrere Tote und zwei Personen schwer verletzt”, sagte er. Einige Opfer wurden identifiziert, aber die Polizei weigerte sich, die Identität zu enthüllen, bis Verwandten nicht gewarnt worden. Der Mord ist bis spätestens Kummer in die Vereinigten Staaten zu bringen. Anfang August, ein Mann, der sich darüber beschwert, zurückgewiesen von Frauen eröffneten das Feuer in einer Turnhalle of Pennsylvania (Ost) und tötete drei Frauen, bevor er seine Waffe gegen ihn. Im April hat ein Mann vietnamesischer Abstammung Brand in einem Auffanglager für Einwanderer in Upstate New York eröffnet, tötete 13 Menschen. Lesen Sie mehr: EE.UU., Georgia, Brunswick, matan, 7 muertos – siete muertos y dos heridos tras una masacre descubierta en EE.UU. – – Siete personas fueron encontrados muertos y otros dos gravemente heridos el sábado tras una masacre que ocurrió en un campamento de móviles de hogares en Georgia (sudeste de EE.UU.), dijo un portavoz de la policía. “Hay siete personas muertas y dos gravemente heridos”, dijo a la AFP la portavoz de la Policía del Condado de Glynn, Candice Templo. Los heridos fueron trasladados a un hospital local, mientras que las otras víctimas de la muerte fue pronunciada a las 10:30 am (1430 GMT), dijo el teniente David O’Neal, la policía del condado, que abrió una investigación de asesinato. El asesinato se produjo por razones desconocidas en un campamento de caravanas de la ciudad de Brunswick. “La policía recibió una llamada de emergencia poco después de las 8:00 hora local (1200 GMT) en varias personas encontradas muertas en una casa móvil en el campamento de caravanas de Nueva Esperanza”, dijo el teniente O’Neal, no para indicar si las víctimas habían sido asesinados por las balas. “Los oficiales respondieron a la llamada y se encontró al entrar varios muertos y dos heridos graves,” dijo. Algunas víctimas han sido identificadas, pero la policía se negó a revelar la identidad hasta que sus familiares no han sido advertidos. El asesinato es el último en llevar el duelo a los Estados Unidos. A principios de agosto, un hombre que se quejaba de haber sido rechazado por la mujer abrió fuego en un gimnasio de Pensilvania (este), matando a tres mujeres antes de volver su arma contra él. En abril, un hombre de origen vietnamita se ha abierto fuego en un centro de acogida de los inmigrantes en Nueva York, matando a 13 personas. Leer más:


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vescovi Usa contrari a riforma sanità: favorisce l'aborto

La Conferenza Episcopale Americana da tempo appoggiava l’ipotesi di riformare la sanità americana, invocando un sistema che avesse più attenzione verso i poveri. Ora però tra i vescovi statunitensi cresce sempre più il malumore per il testo proposto dal presidente Barack Obama.

Al centro delle critiche è ancora una volta l’aborto, e la possibilità che la nuova legge favorisca in qualche modo le interruzioni di gravidanza prevedendone la copertura assicurativa.Nelle ultime due settimane i dubbi si sono fatti sempre più pressanti tanto che qualcuno preferirebbe addirittura fermare l’intero processo di riforma. Tra questi, secondo il New York Times, anche il cardinale Justin Rigali, uno dei leader della Conferenza Episcopale.

“Non fare la riforma è meglio che farne una fatta male”, ha detto invece il vescovo di Sioux City, in Iowa, R. Walker Nickless. Obama ha più volte ribadito che nel piano non è prevista alcuna copertura pubblica per l’aborto, ma nei prossimi giorni articoli di protesta saranno comunque diffusi in molte chiese americane. Uno scontro che va avanti sin dalla campagna elettorale, quando Obama si definì favorevole all’aborto scatenando le critiche dei vertici della curia americana.

A provocare i dubbi è la possibilità, lasciata al segretario alla Salute e prevista nel testo all’esame della Camera, che i fondi di un’ipotetica compagnia assicurativa pubblica possano servire a pagare le spese per l’interruzione di gravidanza (legale negli Stati uniti per legge federale). Anche se l’assicurazione pubblica prevedesse la copertura, i soldi per rimborsare le spese sanitarie dovrebbero comunque per legge provenire dai premi pagati dai clienti e non dai fondi pubblici, in modo che il denaro dei contribuenti non sia utilizzato per incentivare le pratiche abortive. E’ il sistema adottato anche in molti Stati dove l’attuale sistema pubblico destinato solo agli indigenti, il Medicaid, copre le spese dell’aborto.

I vescovi però definiscono fittizia e “illusoria” la divisione nei fondi, sostenendo che di fatto lo Stato garantirebbe quel tipo di copertura sanitaria. “Non si tratta di uno dei problemi qualunque di cui si occupa la Chiesa”, ha scritto recentemente Willam Murphy, uno dei vescovi dello Stato di New York, “la sanità è un argomento fondamentale per la dignità della vita umana”. La polemica ha però dato voce anche a chi, all’interno della comunità cattolica, si oppone alla riforma per motivi diversi. “La Chiesa cattolica non insegna che il governo debba fornire direttamente l’assistenza sanitaria”, ha detto Nickless aggiungendo che “ogni legge che diminuisce la vitalità del settore privato è sospetta”.

Fonte: APCom


China Herbs: Horny Goat Weed - Boost Flagging Libido???

Source: Horny Goat Weed


“ Two to four capsules per day should be sufficient to boost flagging libido and juice up your sex life. Remember that horny goat weed has been used safely for more than 2,000 years. The reason? It works—Chris Kilham, medicine hunter ”

Peru’s Natural Viagra Horny Goat Weed: More Than Just a Name

By Chris Kilham

Behind the funny name of horny goat weed stands a time-tested aphrodisiac that increases libido in men and women, and improves erectile function in men. Known also as Epimedium or Yin Yang Huo, horny goat weed was first described in ancient classical Chinese medicinal texts. Today, horny goat weed holds an important place in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is gaining popularity around the world.

Used by practitioners for over 2,000 years, horny goat weed is several species of epimedium, a leafy plant which grows in the wild, most abundantly at higher altitudes. The leaves of the plant contain a variety of flavonoids, polysaccharides, sterols and an alkaloid called magnaflorine. And while the exact way that horny goat weed works remains unknown, the plant has long been employed to restore sexual fire, boost erectile function, allay fatigue and alleviate menopausal discomfort.

Continue here:


Friday, August 28, 2009


Ieri la rivista specializzata USA Variety ha pubblicato un interessante articolo sull’età del pubblico televisivo USA.

I dati riportati provengono da uno studio realizzato dalla Magna Global (un’agenzia di media buyer). Risulta che l’età mediana dei telespettatori live di CBS, ABC, FOX, NBC e CW è  stata pari a 51 anni nella stagione 2008/2009.

Per comparare, 10 anni fa l’età mediana era 43 anni. Nel medesimo periodo, l’età mediana della household americana è cresciuta di appena 2 anni (da 36 a 38).

CBS è come da previsioni è la rete con l’età mediana più elevata: 55 anni. ABC segue con 51 anni, NBC 49 anni e  FOX 46 anni. CW è la rete più giovane con 34 anni come età mediana.

Se si conteggiano gli utlizzatori di DVR (Digital Video Recorder) l’età scende: 54 anni per CBS, 50 per ABC, 47 per NBC, 44 per FOX e 33 per CW.

Infatti l’età mediana di chi usa il DVR è più bassa di 7-10 anni rispetto a chi guarda “live”.

Quindi, gli utilizzatori di DVR  sono molto più giovani e la loro crescita influisce positivamente sull’alzamento dell’età mediana del pubblico live. Ma allo stesso tempo tempo visto che, anche se in aumento, il DVR è ancora una parte minoritaria del consumo televisivo, aggiungendoli, non abbassano la cifra totale in modo significativo.

Dall’altro lato, l’articolo riporta che le tv via cavo sono stanno soffrendo della medesima tendenza all’invecchiamento con alcuni canali come TBS e TNT che hanno visto l’età mediana dei loro telespettatori calare negli ultimi anni.

I canali per bambini sono naturalmente quelli con l’età mediana più bassa tra le tv via cavo. I più “vecchi”: gli all news, Hallmark Channel e il canale del golf.

Alcune informazioni sui singoli programmi… ABC Dancing with the stars is the “oldest skewing” (56 anni) mentre Scrubs il più giovane (39 anni). Su CBS come da previsioni il magazine 60 Minutes (60) ha l’età mediana più elevata, mentre la sit com How I met your mother la più bassa (45).

NBC passa dai 35 anni di The Office ai 59 di L&O SVU, mentre FOX va dai 29 anni di Family Guy ai 57 di Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?. Su CW si passa dai 27 anni di One Tree Hill ai 39 di Supernatural.


Iran: «Total destruction of Israel is within reach»

«The Palestinians must not be satisfied with anything less than the annihilation of the Zionist regime, a goal that is within reach».

This is what the Ayatollah want to see happening over Tel Aviv as soon as possible. A nuclear explosion.

This is an editorial in the Iranian paper Jomhouri-e Eslami on June 23, 2009 The newspaper further states that: «Palestinians must not accept anything less than Israel’s annihilation»

Iranian media do not hid the Ayatollahs intentions of using a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel:

«Official Palestinian recognition of the Zionist regime by the Palestinians is Israel’s most cherished dream. It would deal a death blow to aspirations for a Palestinian state, granting everlasting legitimacy to the Zionist regime.The Palestinians must not be satisfied with anything less than the annihilation of the Zionist regime – a goal that is within reach»

Another Iranians newspaper «Kayhan» purported that «the Arabs who are in favor of conciliation», whom it dubbed «hypocrites within the [Islamic] nation» «are collaborating in the implementation of the Zionist-American version of peace by giving a green light to the Americans».

It added that «peace» whether according to the Arab or the American formula – is tantamount to recognizing the brutal and artificial Zionist regime» and said that «unless this regime is completely eradicated from the region’s political map, no Middle East peace is possible».

In another editorial, Kayhan called on the Muslim countries not to participate in the talks with the U.S. and the Zionists, which the U.S. has set for September 2009, concomitantly with the U.N. General Assembly, in order to discuss the U.S. comprehensive peace initiative in the Middle East.

The paper reiterated that :

«A solution [in the Middle East] can be achieved only by completely annihilating the Zionist regime, which is the source of all insecurity in the region»

….and that «the establishment of two states, Palestinian and Zionist, would be the same as totally crushing the rights of the Palestinian people, rather than securing these rights for them.»

Source. Jomhouri-e Eslami (Iran), June 23, 2009. (MEMRI)

My comment:

Say no more.

Well, I cant resist:

Let me ask you three questions, and give you three options:

1. The Iranian regime do not mean what they say about Israel.

If that is correct, what make you think they can be trusted in anything they say?

2. The Iranian regime do mean what they say, but is not capable of doing it.

Let me remind you about a man called Adolf Hitler. When he came to power in 1933, neither was he capable of doing what he claimed he was going to do. But in 1945, we could all see that he almost manged to do everything we did not believe that he was capable of doing.

3. The Iranian regime means what they say, and will soon be capable of doing it.

Now, if you believe this is the truth. What do you suggest Israel should do about it?


Thursday, August 27, 2009

list of posts from August 22 to 26, 2009

Note: you may select the category “list of articles” or go directly to category “finance/politics Today” for the newer posts.

456.  The Mitford sisters; (August 22, 2009)


457.  The priest, the warrior, and the peasant; (August 22, 2009)


458.  The ransacks of Rome, printing, Reform, and Renaissance; (August 24, 2009)


459.  War by the end of September; bi-weekly report #29; (August 25, 2009)


460.  Garbo or Dietrich? (August 25, 2009)


461.  Flaubert “Young man, you need to work harder…”(August 26, 2009)


462.  Love Passion Stories: Juliette & Rene; (August 26, 2009)


La batalla por el poker online en USA continúa

La reciente incautación de más de $30.000.000 por la Fiscalía de EE.UU. en el Distrito Sur de Nueva York (SDNY), fue irónicamente, la posibilidad que los activistas pro-poker en EE.UU., incluyendo la Poker Player Alliance, habían estado esperando.

La PPA ha estado ‘disfrutando’, por razones obvias, de la oportunidad de defender en los tribunales el argumento de que el poker es un juego de habilidad – después de todo, es dirigida por un abogado, que ha ganado millones de dólares jugando al poker, Greg Raymer.

Sin embargo, parece que cuando la SDNY acuse al residente canadiense, Douglas Rennick, la PPA no podrá participar – Rennick ha sido acusado de conspiración por fraude bancario; ya que dijo que sus empresas procesaban descuentos y depósitos de los afiliados, cuando lo que en realidad sucedía es que eran pagos del juego online. En otras palabras, las acusaciones no tienen nada que ver con el poker.

“Ni siquiera te dan la oportunidad de entrar en un debate sobre el estado del poker en internet” ha dicho el presidente de la Interactive Media, Entertainment & Gaming Association, Joe Brennan Jr. “Que el poker sea legal o no en internet, es casi insignificante cuando se tiene a un procesado mintiendo sobre de dónde procede el dinero”.

“Creemos que es una medida solapada por el Departamento de Justicia, para evitar tener una audiencia y un juicio sobre los hechos” ha dicho el presidente de la PPA, John Pappas. “Creo que las probabilidades de que Rennick comparezca y se haga un juicio son muy escasas. Creemos que ha sido un movimiento táctico por el Departamento de Justicia para evitar avanzar con un juicio sobre si el poker es un juego legal”.

En una muestra de excelente servicio al cliente, PokerStars y Full Tilt Poker reembolsaron los fondos a los jugadores, así como bonos gratis a sus cuentas.

Vía: BLUFFEurope
