Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Timely new tax in America

Anyone can say “I told you so” and crow, right? But sometimes there’s no jubilation in having been right, just a wearying sadness.

Anyway, on with the show: “I told you so!” (Often enough, too …)

Top marks for perspicacity if you can guess the subject before I tell you—

” … Americans are turning against the war. Congress is fretting over its mounting costs: US $300 billion for 2009 in a $1.4 trillion deficit year. This war is being waged on money borrowed from China … some Democrats are rightly calling for a special war tax on all Americans rather than continuing to conceal the war’s huge expenses on the national credit card … It costs the US $1 million to keep each American soldier in Afghanistan. Renting Pakistan’s assistance will cost $3 billion per year (overt and black payments combined) … “

Well done. The question that now floats lightly on my New Zealand lips: “Why is China funding the US ‘war’ in Afghanistan?” but the answer is possibly just a little too obvious.

China is feeding a fool rope* .

How much rope is enough rope, and is it rope if the fool can’t see that it’s rope? And now for the bit that delights me even more—is China likewise a fool? What would you call a maladroit who tries to juggle a razor sharp scimitar in a darkened room?

Of course, when I say ‘China’ (or ‘America’ for that matter) I don’t refer to the country per se, I refer to the leadership of that country.

No part of the human race has a monopoly on idiots, they are found as much at the top as the bottom. Humanity is homogenous in idiots, we humans are sort of democratic like that. I get the image of a fool halfway along a branch a hundred feet up a tree, he has his enemy cornered way out on the branch and has started sawing through it … behind him, cutting through the bit between him and the trunk. It takes all sorts and I await the next installment.

However, would the Chinese people — you know, all the millions of little guys scratching a living from the soil — be happy to know they are funding the Americans their gas guzzlers, plasma TVs (made in China, is that ironic or what) and jolly little wars? I doubt it.

Thank heavens, then, for the Chinese leadership without which the Yanks would have to print their own war-chest funds.

What? They’re going to?

A new ‘Special War Tax’? you say? Naaaa … I can’t see that working. If the American people had to fund their own wars they’d very quickly stop bombing the snot out of everybody and sober up. Supplying a few sons and daughters is in the main a winnable lottery, but actually fronting up with cash, everybody having to do it, is an entirely different thing.

Would that we did the same in Godzone, and would that our own wars (we have wars? No, we take part in wars. Other people’s wars. American wars) were funded only by voluntary contribution.


* Old saying: “Feed a fool enough rope and eventually he will hang himself.”


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