Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Helping Haiti

My church has a sister parish in Barederes (sic?). We’ve been partnered for years, sending people, money, and supplies to help the parish and their (excellent) school. We pray for them, and they pray for us, and once a year, their priest visits to give us updates on what’s happening. In September, we ship hundreds of boxes of school supplies for the children, to help them in their studies. In January, groups from our church visit there– doctors and mechanics and engineers and nurses, and help the parish and village out in any way they can.

I don’t know if the folks from my church were there or not. In a way, it doesn’t matter. Our sister parish were the first people I thought of when I heard the first reports of the earthquake last night. I know they were hurt by the hurricaines a year ago, and Haiti is so small that the whole country must be groaning right now, including my brothers and sisters in Baraderes.

With that in mind, I have to add my small, paltry voice to those imploring aid. I will be digging deep to find something to send along, and I beg any stoppers-by to consider what they can give as well. Even the smallest amount is something– If you only have a dollar, try to give that dollar. It’s the little things that add up and make the difference. I know it’s hard, right now– we have a lot less to give, these days, and things aren’t looking good for the near future. But sometimes, our economic troubles seem petty when you see images of an entire country brought literally to its knees in only a matter of minutes. We may yet end up in such a state ourselves, but until we are there, I think wemust, as in all things, do what we can, as we can.

So, since others have done far better work in list making and writing, I’m just going to send you along to those wonderful people.

First, the Anchoress has a list of places you can assist.


Michelle Malkin has information as well.

I’ll update as I find more, but these two ladies have done a great job.


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